A Second Story
Friday, June 25, 2004
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Coming together
Things are really looking nice. We had a talk with the contractor, and told him we'd really like things done by July 5th, as I should be having surgery soon after and will have more people coming to stay with us. We want S & J to be able to move in!! Seemed like a reasonable request. I think they will have the inside done by then, but still have some stuff to do outside (like the chimney, the deck, and putting our property back together like they found it).
The "hardwood" floors are almost all in, and they look really nice. We liked the place we bought the flooring from, but they sent us to their distributor to pick up the supplies. Those people (Cronin) are a peice of work. Unfriendly, unhelpful and completely stupid. We had to go back 3 times... an hour drive each way!! It was truly unbeleivable.

The railings are in also, so Owen can run around upstairs now. Once the floors are finished they will put in the baseboard and trim around the doors, and finish the stairs.

They also started painting the outside of the house. Should be cool!

Monday, June 07, 2004
Carpentry that is. That is what is going on. We met with the finisher, Steve, over a week ago, and chose trim and railings and banisters and newels and stuff. They finally came out friday with materials (after our delivery was accidentally shipped to the coast). Two guys worked all day (we heard saws and hammering anyway!) but it didn't look like much was done. Today they put the trim around the windows and the freedom doors. It looks purty.

I can't wait until this is done! It seems like two steps forward, 25 steps back with these people. The electrician came two weeks ago and said he would be back 4 days later, could we have all the light fixtures available? We say sure, tell the contractor, he says sure. Neither fixtures nor electrician ever show up. The fixtures were then coming with the lumber order. They didn't. Maybe they are enjoying a relaxing time at the beach. I have no idea what is going on. The painters were here 2 weeks ago to caulk and prep, then didn't show again. We were told they were finishing a job last week, would be here this week. Mmmmm, no painters yet. They are probably waiting for the chimney to be finished, and who knows what is going on with that. After many conversations with the contractor, he should know we JUST WANT TO BE INFORMED!!! I don't care if the painters can't come until next October, JUST TELL ME! Honestly, these people are goofballs. Why draw out finishing a project? They have to drive 1.5 hours to get here! Just get it done already. There are so many little things for them to finish, I fear it will never be done, we will always be waiting for someone to be able to come out for a day or two put a fence back, pour some concrete, etc. I don't know whether to hound them (which doesn't actually seem to help), or just let it go (which means we will probably never get finished!).